13 November 2019

A common health concern these days, diabetics has an array of consequences such as diabetic foot, blindness, limb amputation, heart disease, kidney failure and early death, said Dr Ravul Jindal, Director – Vascular Surgery, Fortis Hospital Mohali while addressing the media persons here today.
“Around 10-18% of the diabetics’ patients develop a foot problem which can affect the whole family socially, economically and psychologically. It is a very common and major problem in India these days,” shared Dr Jindal.
“It is really difficult to manage and treat the most complex wounds effectively. With the aging process and existing people with multiple medical conditions, it becomes really challenging for pathologies to improve and stay well-equipped to meet the needs of wound care,” he further added.
Dr Jindal suggested carrying out certain tests for diabetic neuropathy such as Filament test, Quantitative sensory testing, and nerve conduction studies. He also informed about the Anodyne Therapy System (ATS) that eliminates the painful symptoms and enhances sensation as well as balance in diabetic patients with DPN (diabetic peripheral neuropathy) to a greater extent.
“Surgical foot debridement is another popular method performed in diabetic foot care. Minor debridement can be performed easily at bedside with or without local anaesthesia, but in case of extensive debridement it requires proper infrastructure with regional/ general anaesthesia performed in operating theatres,” shared Dr Jindal who also talked about Infrapopliteal Angioplasty and Skin Grafting for curing diabetic foot.
“There are various ways to keep diabetes in control such as by eating a healthy diet, following a regular fitness regimen, ensuring weight control, and avoiding cigarette smoking,” concluded Dr Jindal.
Patient Testimonials:
- Mrs. Rakesh Singla (58 years, Female):She came to Fortis Hospital with cellulitis l leg. The infection was so severe that it caused gangrene of l leg up to the ankle. She was admitted in ICU. After stabilizing the patient, below knee amputation was done in view of unsalvageable foot. She got stable in 2 days and was discharged. Now her wounds are healed and she is walking with the help of prosthesis.
- Gursharan Kaur (67 years, Female): She came to Fortis Hospital with l ankle cellulitis. She was immediately taken up for debridement. Her lateral malleolus was almost bare after debridement. She responded well and her wound very soon started granulating and is almost healed now.
- Manjinder Singh (72 years, Male): He came with right leg cellulitis with heel infection. He was admitted for injectable antibiotics and after 2 days cellulitis was setting with dirty wound area the heel debridement of wound was done. His wound required VAC dressing but patient refused for it. His wound is healing now with marked reduction in size.
- Sukhwant Singh (62 years, Male): He came to Fortis with a huge left foot 1st toe, known as sausage toe. He had a wound over this toe since past 2 months which was not healing. His foot x-ray should displaced distal pharynx with osteomyelitis .we did 1st toe amputation and started his dressing with growth factor. His toe is almost healed now after 1 ½ month of dressing.
- Mramit Sahal (43 years, Male): He came to Fortis with L ankle infected wound. He was recently diagnosed to have diabetes. He had been taking treatment from multiple places since 2 months. We did debridement and then skin grafting. Now his wound is healed in a month.
- Dara Singh (65 years, Male): He was admitted in ICU and was in sepsis. He had a huge necrotic wound in R leg which was the source of sepsis. Debridement was done. He was intubated due to septicemias. After debridement within 2 days he recovered and was discharged on VAC dressing, later skin grafting was done. His wound totally recovered in 3 months.