CHB Conducts Demand Survey for Credit Linked Subsidy



21 March 2017


Hon’ble Prime Minister has envisioned ‘Housing for ALL’ by 2022 when the Nation completes 75 years of its independence. In this direction Govt. of India has launched Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana -Housing for All (Urban) Scheme.  Chandigarh Housing Board is carrying out the demand survey from the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) households and Lower Income Groups (LIG) living in urban areas of Chandigarh for credit linked subsidy and affordable flats in Chandigarh from 20.3.2017 to 20.04.2017.

Under the Credit linked subsidy, beneficiaries living in Urban area of Chandigarh are eligible for an interest subsidy @ 6.5% on Rs. 6 lacs for new construction/addition of rooms, kitchen, toilet etc. to existing dwelling units provided that the carpet area of houses being constructed or enhanced under this component of the mission should be upto 30 square meters and 60 square meters for EWS and LIG respectively and construction/enhancement is as per byelaws/rules applicable in Chandigarh.  Chandigarh Housing Board, being State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) for Chandigarh for implementing the mission, will facilitate the identified eligible beneficiaries in getting approvals and documents etc. to avail this credit linked subsidy.

Only EWS households living in urban area of Chandigarh are eligible to submit demand survey form for affordable Housing in partnership & individual house enhancement provided that they are residents of Chandigarh as on 17.6.2015 having Aadhar Card/Voter Identity Card and having no house/residential plot anywhere in India.

Demand Survey form can be downloaded from or can be obtained from the Reception Counter of Chandigarh Housing Board, Block-C, Sector 9-D, Chandigarh at a cost of Rs.10/- (Rupees ten only).  Period of submission of Demand survey form alongwith Rs.10/- as registration fee in the shape of postal order is 20.3.2017 to 20.4.2017. However, the applicants who upload their forms on the PMAY-MIS Portal are not required to deposit the registration fee of Rs.10/-

For obtaining/ submission of the application there is lot of enthusiasm among the EWS and Low Income Group. Lot of people are approaching CHB for obtaining the application form though it can be obtained/submitted online.

The applicant can also fill & submit online application form under  Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Housing for All (Urban) Scheme on the portal of Ministry of Housing And Urban Poverty Alleviation Govt. of India PMAYMIS i.e.  Till 20.03.2017, the online portal of Govt. of India for Chandigarh survey data has been entered for 35401 applicants.