Punjab local bodies minister Navjot Singh Sidhu, in a statement , said that it had come to the notice of the department that Singh, in connivance with commissioner Rajesh Dhiman and other officials, indulged in misuse of his position and caused a loss to the state exchequer while making a purchase of the tree pruning machine.

“The machine was priced at Rs 28 lakh in the country, while for making its purchase from abroad, the price was Rs 80 lakh. But a resolution was passed by the municipal corporation for purchasing it at an exorbitant price of Rs 1.79 crore and orders were placed for its purchase,” Sidhu said.

The minister said that the local government department got the probe conducted by the vigilance cell and the orders initiating action have been issued against the mayor and officials found guilty in the report of the chief vigilance officer (CVO).

Acting on the report of the CVO, orders have been issued for suspension of Singh from mayorship and from councillorship as well for causing financial loss to the municipal corporation, Mohali.

However, Singh reacting to the development said, “ I have not received the orders as yet. I will reply once I get the suspension orders.”

Similarly, the then Commissioner, Rajesh Dhiman, has been chargesheeted in accordance with the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules 1970 Section 8 and case recommending his suspension has been sent to the concerned department.

Executive engineer Naresh Batta and another employee Vinayak have been suspended in accordance to the Punjab Civil Services (Punishment & Appeal) Rules 1970 Section 8.