14 December 2021

Ryoto Electrix, a Gurgaon-based private limited automotive company, launched two attractive and pocket friendly electric scooters – ATOM and NEUTRON – here today. The E-scooters are designed using air dynamic technology and manufactured at a plant in Haryana. “With an aim to do our bit to reduce the carbon footprint and build a Net Zero world, we are delighted to launch these two e-scooters. We plan to manufacture 50,000 units per month and set up a distribution network across 200 Indian cities in the next year,” said Sandeep Ralhan, CEO, Ryoto Electrix.
ATOM, the high-end model, powered by lithium batteries, comes with some unique features like auto repair, child lock and even a mobile charging point. On a 3 – 4 hour charge, it gives a mileage of 125 kmph. NEUTRON, fortified with lithium battery, gives a mileage of 60 – 65 kmph. Both the models are equipped with the convenience of a reverse gear. They come with a warranty of 3 years on batteries and charger.
“Considering these are low-speed vehicles, they neither need RTO registration or a driving license, making them ideal for young riders, especially in small towns and even rural areas,” added Sandeep.
Ryoto has presently appointed Bharat Agencies, chandigarh as their distributor in Chandigarh area.