From #SocialToSoldiers – Send your Tribute to the Troops!



14 August 2018


72 years ago, India saw the sun rise over her first day as an independent country. Since then, we’ve come along way, but one thing remains the same – a group of brave men and women who face challenges daily to preserve our hard won freedom. On Independence Day, SOCIAL, your work and play Café/ Bar hangout, will share your expression of gratitude with these men and women who truly our nations finest legends.

Just walk in at the nearest Social on or before 15th August, Pick up a Postcard, and Pen down your Tribute for these amazing men & women in camo!

The campaign #SocialToSoldiers, encourages patrons to write a personal note expressing their thanks to the troops, at all Social outlets across India. In partnership with letter writing collective ‘Battees’, the initiative aims to revive the power of the written word, as well as bring awareness to how much we owe to the people who leave their homes for months and endure tough conditions for the sake of the nation.

Letters from thousands of individuals from 20 Social outlets across 5 Cities (Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune and Chandigarh) will flood into the Ministry of Defence office on August 16th, and will then be sent across to the soldiers at the border with hopes of bringing a warm smile to their faces.

The postcard, in quintessential Social style, has been designed using important imagery close to the heart of every Indian. It features headline from 15th August 1947, which announced our Independence from the British rule, the new Cabinet & festivities across the country.

Where to go: Sector 7 Social, S.C.O.37, Sector 7C, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh