Chandigarh 6 March 2017 DIVYA AZAD Three days National Workshop on Cyber Security & Forensics is being conducted by FlipflopInforsec Labs Pvt. Ltd. (A Start-up Initiative of NITTTR,...

सबकुछ सिम्फनी ढूंढ के निकालेगी संगीत का बेहतरीन कलाकार

चंडीगढ़ 6 मार्च 2017 दिव्या आज़ाद  भारत के गांव,जिले और शहरों में संगीत से जुड़े कलाकारों के लिए सब कुछ म्यूजिक पहली बार ऑनलाइन म्यूजिकल कॉम्पीटीशन लेकर...

Explore God’s Own Canvas!

Chandigarh 6 March 2017 DIVYA AZAD Considering the uptick in inbound tourism from Chandigarh, the Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala organized B2B Roadshows in Chandigarh on...

Jaspal Bhatti Humor Festival Ended with Brilliant performances by Sunil grover,...

Chandigarh 6 March 2017 DIVYA AZAD The three day Jaspal Bhatti Humor Festival 2017 ended on Sunday with some brilliant performances by Sunil grover aka Guthi or...

श्रीराव ने दिया अंतर्राष्टीय महिला दिवस को ‘मातृ शक्ति पर्व’ के...

चंडीगढ़ 6 मार्च 2017 विनोद कुमार पंचकूला में रहने वाले श्री वीपीएस राव ने ही में पिंजौर में आयोजित अंतर्राष्टीय महिला दिवस पर विशेष कार्यक्रम की अध्यक्षता...

Home coming For Sunil Grover aka Guthi

Chandigarh 5 March 2017 DIVYA AZAD Sunil grover needs no introduction as he is well known for his roles as Guthi or Dr Mashur Gulati. He was...

International Women’s day celebrations at The North Country Mall

Mohali 5 March 2017 DIVYA AZAD City Women will experience  a privileged  mall visit. The North Country Mall, Mohali has today kicked off International Women's Day celebrations...


Zirakpur 5 March 2017 DIVYA AZAD Annual Function of Creative Zone Academy was held at the Academy’s premises. The function was themed on ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Saksham Banao’....

Holi Celebration by Bihar Parishad at DAV College, Chandigarh

Chandigarh 5 March 2017 DIVYA AZAD Bihar Parishad Chandigarh, Celebrated Holi at DAV College, Chandigarh. In this festival of colours, Mr. Neeraj Panday, Mr. Devinder Singh, Mr....

National Seminar organized in Khalsa College

Mohali 5 March 2017 DIVYA AZAD Phase 3-A campus of Khalsa College (Amritsar) of Technology & Business Studies. A national seminar was organized today to discuss ‘Demonitisation –...