15 August 2021

75th Independence Day was celebrated in Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Sector-11, Chandigarh today. Prof. Anita Kaushal, Principal of the college hoisted the National Tricolour and members of the faculty attended the ceremony. Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma, Dean and Mrs. Monika Vij, Vice-Principal were also present on the occasion.
Students of the department of Music (Instrument)presented patriotic songs and students of Music (Vocal) department presented medley and group songs reflecting nationalistic spirit.Students also presented their views on freedom and narrated the valour and sacrifices of the unsung heroes.
Addressing the faculty on this occasion, Prof. Anita Kaushal, Principal of the college observed that hard-earned independence needs to be understood in true perspective. One’s independence should not impede the freedom of others, as each one of us enjoys equal rights. She persuaded the gathering to take all precautions as per the governmental directions for mitigating the pandemic, and create awareness about following of all such SOPs.
She exhorted everyone present to resolve to take all such steps to make India Saare Jahan Se Accha in thought, word and deed. She encouraged the faculty members to facilitate the reopening of the institution and commencement of offline classes, and ensure that the classes are conducted in a safe and healthy environment. On this occasion, Green Thumbs: The Botanical Society of the college commemorated Azadi Ka Amrut Mahaotsav by organizing a Tree plantation drive.