13 June 2020

Post Graduate Government College for Girls, Sector 11, Chandigarh organized Webinar and interactive session on the “Planning for Post Lockdown: Insights from Labour Force Survey Data” today on 13th June 2020. Prof S. Chandrasekhar, from Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research Mumbai was the resource person on the occasion.
More than 600 participants registered online for the event from all over India. Prof (Dr) Anita Kaushal was the Chief Guest on the occasion. While inaugurating the session she said that only hope for the recovery lies in the fact that India has a comparative advantage in the shape of vast reservoir of skilled manpower. The demographic differentials reveal that over the next 10years, India would have population profile concentrated in the younger age group, where many new opportunities can be fully optimised.
Prof S. Chandrasekhar Professor, is an alumnus of Delhi School of Economics and Pennsylvania State University. He has been awarded the Mahalanobis Memorial Medal in 2016, by The Indian Econometric Society, for outstanding contributions in the field of quantitative economics.
In his online presentation, he laid out the evidence base for the ongoing policy discourse on well-being of households at the national and state levels. His discourse was based on analysis of data from the recent Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS). His analysis was thought provoking and very engaging. He concluded that only coordinated efforts from all stakeholders will bring the Indian economy out of the present crisis. The session was followed by interactive questions and answer sessions where participants raised many pertinent points regarding the current state of Indian economy yielding a thorough response from the resource person.
Dr Sangam Kapoor Dean and Head department of Commerce proposed the vote of thanks.