4 July 2023

New age realty development company PLPB, successfully conducted an outreach initiative to connect and spread awareness with the underprivileged section of society at Shaheed, Udham Singh Colony in Mohali.
The initiative was undertaken with the support of a local NGO, Maharishi Dayanand Bal Ashram headed by renowned philanthropist Neeraj Kaura. During the event, a street play was organized to make the residents understand the core issues for the environment and living organisms that usage of plastic bags create.
The street play demonstrated how plastic bags have a huge impact on humans, environment, animals, birds, and marine life and the government has been taking a lot of initiatives including ban of plastic bags usage, fines, etc. and how can we look for alternate means and solutions to plastic bags in a fun and easy to remember tips. To make this initiative a success PLPB’s management distributed compostable plastic bags and dustbins to the colony people after the street play.
Speaking on the occasion, Sumit Singla, CEO, PLPB said, “As responsible citizens, we owe a responsibility to our future generations to provide ecologically balanced and sustainable living environment for all. This initiative is a step towards the actions that we believe individuals and corporate must undertake to reduce the ill effects that plastic bags have created over the last few decades. Today’s outreach program is in line with our ethos of culture of care that leads to the overall well-being of everyone.”
Speaking on the occasion in Lohit Bansal, Managing Director, PLPB, said, “Learning begins right from our homes, and our initiative on the International Plastic Bag Free Day was intended to reach out to the households. Spreading the message to households and getting acknowledgement of adoption of good practices was precisely the whole purpose of our outreach exercise. We are delighted that the intended message for was well received. With micro plastics being found by scientists in the human bloodstream is clearly an alarm that we must stop the use of plastic bags with immediate effect. On behalf of PLPB, I hear by urge all the people in the society to make a conscious effort to say no to plastic bags.”
Sharing his views, Neeraj Kaura said, “It was amazing to have PLPB‘s management to come and understand the issues that matter for the colony people, and one of them being the impact on environment that plastic has been doing over the years. We hope to have more such, encouraging and meaningful interventions being conducted by PLPB and thank them for identifying us to be their partners for spreading the message of plastic bag free day that is celebrated globally.”