Sector 63, Chandigarh resident will form new resident welfare association 2BR(MIG)



12 July 2019


On huge public demand, the Ad-hoc Committee representing aggrieved residents affiliated to the RWA-2BHK Sector 63 Chandigarh organized an open public meeting in CHB complex on 07.07.2019. They were, apparently, unhappy with the undemocratic, unfair and non-transparent style of functioning of the Governing Body of the existing RWA, especially the issue of deliberately putting off the elections, which were due to be held in March 2019. About 150 residents actively participated in today’s proceedings.

The residents unanimously passed a resolution to form a new association, namely “RESIDENTS WELFARE ASSOCIATION-2BR (MIG) SECTOR 63 CHANDIGARH” and elected Smt. Harvinder Kaur as President, Rajinder Singh as Sr. Vice President, Prem Singh as Vice President, Mohinder Singh as General Secretary and Shreehari Garg as Tresurer of the newly formed RWA. The new RWA shall apply for registration to the Chandigarh Housing Board under its 1979 regulations and to the Registrar Firms & Societies, under the Societies Act 1860.