29 November 2022

Election to the Central Council of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI-CMA) were conducted where in Vijender Sharma and Rakesh Bhalla have been elected as President and Vice President of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI-CMA), respectively for the term 2022-23.
Mr. Vijender Sharma was Vice President and CMA Rakesh Bhalla was Central Council member and Chairman of Direct Tax Committee of the Institute in previous term 2021-22.
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI-CMA) is a statutory body constituted under an act of the Parliament and is the regulator for the profession of Cost and Management Accountancy in India. Its qualified members are specialized in the field of Costing, Valuation, Insolvency Bankruptcy Code-2016 and Goods & Services (GST) Acts. The institute is also member of International accounting bodies. Having more than 60000 qualified members across the world.
Mr Rakesh Bhalla is the second CMA from tricity who achieved this position. He is working as Chief Finance Officer (CFO) in a big manufacturing concern at Chandigarh. Mr Rakesh Bhalla had also been elected Chairman (2011-12) of northern council of the institute and has expertise in the field of Accounting, Costing, Direct and Indirect taxation with wide exposure to systems and audits.