Wonder Garden of Nursing officer Sapna Choudhary Leaves People Wonder Struck



31 May 2021


Nek Chand has created a wonder called Rock Garden. This artistic masterpiece has  made all of us proud and more importantly inspired artists like Sapna Choudhary to explore themselves. Sapna, a nursing officer at Government Multi Speciality Hospital at Sector 16, Chandigarh has created something unique. A garden at the backyard of her house is an amazing expression of creativity and imagination. Like her childhood hero, the legendary Nek Chand, she has used  the rejected and discarded materials. 

Sapna has primarily experimented with plants and planters. “I always had this urge to create something artistic and aesthetically pleasing but wasn’t getting enough time to think about it” says Sapna. 

Soon the idea struck. She gave a thought to her inherent strengths and  realised that she can use her drawing capabilities and churn out eye catching stuff with plants and planters. It was easier said than done. She realised that plants can be afforded but planters are unreasonably costly. I thought why shouldn’t I myself create plants and  gathered discarded plastic containers and started painting them, she says with a grin. 

People started noticing, particularly her colleagues and encouraged her to scale up. She started keeping all these wonderful articles on the front side of her house and that made people curious about these creations. 

Today she is a proud creator of a small but marvelously beautiful garden. The garden is a child of her imagination. It has a cute little hut also, made of small wooden bricks. This hut adds to the beauty of this garden. Most amazing part of this inspiring and heart warming story is that Sapna has accomplished so much inspite of her very busy and taxing job.