22 October 2018

Over 15 Companies from various sectors have given their written confirmation to participate in 48th Aryans Job Fest to be held on 26th October at Aryans Group of Colleges, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh. Interested Candidates can apply online on Aryans Website i.e. www.aryans.edu.in
Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group said that thousands of fresher candidates of the tricity & other peripheral areas have already stepped into the Job Market this Year after their graduation & post graduation. In this fest, job opportunities would be available for B.Tech, MBA, BBA, BCA, BA, B.Com, M.Tech, Diploma, ITI etc.
Kataria further said that Aryans is putting its best efforts to make a bouquet of top notch companies to visit in a single day at Aryans.
Companies including eClerx Services Limited, Teleperformance, Conneqt Business Solutions, Genpact , Knack, SofSter, Just Dial , Satya Micro Capital Limited , ATL Foundation, ExpoBiz IT Solutions (P). Ltd, MT Group etc would be visiting Aryans Campus. Candidates need to carry 10 copies of their resumes and passport size photographs with them.