13 October 2017
Kulbir singh kalsi

Today as part of an ongoing ‘Green Diwali’ awareness prorgamme, being organized in city Schools by Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee & Yuvsatta-an NGO, over 1500 students of St. Stephen’s School took a pledge to celebrate ‘Green Diwali & Say NO to toxic and polluting fire-crackers’. A street play ‘Green Diwali’ was also staged on the occasion by artists of ‘Mask Theatre’
Santosh Kumar, Vice Chairman of the Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee added that on Diwali, many people clean their homes, shops and factories, repaint them, refurbish them, but forget the cleanliness of city and public places. And immediately next day after Diwali, our streets and surrounding are found strewn with tones of all kinds excess waste generated from a million crackers going up in smoke-this is against the spirit of ‘Swatch Bharat Campaign’ too. He added that a question to ponder at this stage is, where do all the things we throw away go finally? Solid waste created by human beings which is non biodegradable (does not easily decompose) has to be filled into landfills, especially the toxic waste of Diwali, this again creates another health hazard.
Louis Lopez, School Principal advised students not to waste money on polluting and harmful fire-crackers and instead help the needy and marginalized people. He also said that best way to celebrate this festival of lights is by spending time with your loved ones and friends and enjoy homemade sweets.
On the occasion Seema Gupta –Eco Clun incharge of the School conducted a ‘Green Quiz’ on safe and green Diwali later School Principal and Pramod Sharma, Coordinator, Yuvsatta presented books by Mahatma Gandhi to the winners.