50th PU Colloquium held



19 December 2018


The Panjab University Colloquium Committee successfully organized 50th PU Colloquium at 3.00 p.m. on December 19, 2018 at Dr. S. S Bhatnagar UICET, Auditorium of Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Prof (Dr.) Shankarji Jha, Dean University Instructions, Panjab University, acting Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh for today was the Chief Guest on the occasion. In his address, he enlightened the audience about PU Colloquia and the activities and laurels of Panjab University, Chandigarh and also congratulated and appreciated the efforts of PU Colloquium committee for having organized 49 Colloquia till date. He remarked “May we all carry back today with us some important tips and awareness about keeping healthy body and robust mind through today’s lecture.

Prof. Promila Pathak, Coordinator PU Colloquium Series briefly introduced the eminent speaker. She apprised that Prof Vinod K Paul, PU Alumnus, is presently serving as Member, NITI Aayog and Chairman, The Board of Governors of Medical Council of India. Basically from Kangra, he pursued his early education from DAV College Chandigarh, and Government College, Dharamshala before joining All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi for his MBBS, MD and PhD. A pediatrician by training, he has been on the faculty of the Department of Pediatrics, AIIMS, New Delhi, since 1985, and has served as head of the department for nearly a decade. Prof Paul is a fellow of all the three science academies of the country, and a recipient of the Dr B R Ambedkar Centenary Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research and the Public Health Champion Award. The Government of India appointed Dr Paul as a Member of the National Institution for Transforming India, the NITI Aayog in August 2017 in the rank of Minister of State of the Government of India where he leads the Health, Nutrition and HRD verticals. He has recently been appointed as Chairman, the Board of Governors of Medical Council of India. He has played a pivotal role in crafting the government’s flagship health program, Ayushman Bharat, comprising twin missions, namely, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana and the Health and Wellness Centers Mission. He has chaired academic and selection committees of AIIMS, Raipur; chaired Technical Resources Group on Child Health, MoHFW and co chaired Himachal Pradesh State Commission on Health. An expert committee chaired by him on Mid Day Meal Program, formulated new nutrition guidelines for food served in the schools under this programme nationwide. A well known researcher, Dr Paul has over 350 publications to his credit and is the Chief Editor of the standard text book, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, read by most of the medical students, in the country. He is the first Indian to be conferred with the prestigious Ihsan Dogramaci Family Health Foundation Prize by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the World Health Assembly (2018) for his contribution to global health. Apart from being an eminent neonatologist, Prof Paul has been closely associated with India’s health policy and programmes for over three decades. India’s child and maternal health programmes bear imprint of his research and expertise. As an internationally renowned academician, medical scientist, and public health exponent, Dr Paul chaired the Technical Advisory Group on Women’s and Children are Health for WHO South East Asia Region and has also been a Co-Chair of the Board of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (PMNCH).

The speaker for the occasion, Prof Vinod K Paul delivered lecture on the topic “Healthy and Smart Youth for New India”. In his lecture, he highlighted that more than half of India’s population is below the age of 25. It is this human capital that would power India’s tryst with greatness in the next 3 decades.When we complete a century of our independence, India would be the world’s foremost economic and knowledge power.But this demographic dividend can only be realized if the youth of today and tomorrow has a healthy body and mind. During the talk he discussed key health concerns of the youth, and provided practical tips for healthy future. Finally, he concluded that PU should have collaboration programme with PGI for health and wellness at PU, so that PU may become role model health promoting university in the country.

Prof. (Dr.) Jagat Ram, Director, PGIMER, was the Guest of Honour for the event. He appreciated the significant contributions of Prof. Vinod K Paul, a renowned academician scientist, public exponent and alumnus of PU, the speaker of the today’s Colloquium lecture and stated that lectures from eminent personalities from various domains of life in the form of Colloquium series started by Panjab University, Chandigarh presents an opportunity to the heterogeneous mass of people to come and interact on a singular platform and acquire knowledge on different aspects of life and society and said that infact it has been an honour and a very alluring opportunity for Panjab University and the exuberant audience to have Prof. Vinod K Paul here at PU, Chd. He further added that with the combining strengths like skilled health workforce, low cost high yield models of health care and a growing Indian pharmaceutical sector may lead to an increase in the employment opportunities, as well. He also conveyed thanks and gave his best wishes to the Faculty, students and audience who had come to attend the lecture and emphasized that this Lecture series should continue to benefit the teachers, students and public at large.

On this occasion, many distinguished scientists and guests, CRIKC Members, a large number of senior and young faculty members, research scholars and UG/PG students from Panjab University, Local Colleges, and neighbouring institutes attended the lecture. The event ended successfully by a vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Shruti Bedi, a member Colloquium Committee.