
21 May 2019


PunjabiMatrimony, the No. 1 matchmaking service for Punjabis worldwide, from BharatMatrimony, has revealed interesting findings on how Punjabis find their life partners. This study is based on nearly 70,000 members.

Studying the demographic patterns of the registered users and their preferences, the data revealed fascinating insights on how Punjabis choose to get married. The findings:

  1. The top five cities that witnessed maximum number of registrations are Delhi, Ludhiana, Amritsar, Chandigarh, and Jalandhar. For Punjabis living outside Punjab, the top 5 cities with the highest number of registrations are Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Kolkata, and Lucknow. NRIs registrations were highest in Canada, United States of America, Australia,United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.
  • The user base comprised of 30% female registrants and 70% males.
  • 65% of the female registrants belong to the age group of 20-29whereas 72%of men belong to the age group of 25 to 35.
  • 60% of female and male profiles in the state are registered by themselves.Among Punjabi NRIs, 65% are self-created profiles.
  • Interestingly, 94% Punjabis are okay to marry a partner outside the state, with just 6% stating that they want to find a match only in Punjab.
  • In tune with the mobile and internet trends, 85% of girls registered are using app/ mobile WAP, while for men it was 90%.
  • In terms of educational qualification, among females, 22% were engineers, 44% had an Arts/Science/Commerce degree, 13% had a management degree, and for males it was 27%, 32% and 10% respectively.
  • The top profession listed by women who have registered on the website is Teaching/Academician, and for men is Business Owner/Entrepreneur.
  1. NRI registrants: The most common type of occupation for the NRI registrants is Software Professional for women and Manager for men.

Mr. Murugavel Janakiraman, Founder and CEO, said, PunjabiMatrimony has earned the trust of lakhs of Punjabis to become the No. 1 choice when it comes to finding a life partner. Thousands of success stories have been reported every quarter and we continue to grow our user base amongst the Punjabi community, inside India and abroad.”