Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh Launches MBA in Waste Management and Social Entrepreneurship



27 January 2020


Chitkara University has been identified by the Ministry of Human Resource Development to introduce MBA in Waste Management and Social Entrepreneurship. The program will not only support in providing employment to experts in Waste Management of Industrial sector but will also improve the quality of environment in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The program was launched by Dr. Madhu Chitkara, Pro-Chancellor, Chitkara University along with Major Shiva Kiran, MGNCRE, Hyderabad, Dr. Manoj Kumar Tiwari, Scientific Officer, Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, Dr. Reena, ESI, Parwanoo, Ms. Samidha Bansal, Campaign Director, North India Daily Dump, Bangalore.

The exhibition cum industry-academia meet was organized as part of introducing MBA course on Waste Management and Social Entrepreneurship in association with Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), a unit of MHRD. The exhibitors and participants included experts from Waste Management Technology, Equipment Manufacturers and Suppliers, Regulatory Bodies, Utilities, Municipal Corporations, Pollution Control Board, Water and Sanitation Departments, Environmental Bodies, NGT, Corporate Facility Managers, NGOs, Recycling, Private Corporate Bigwigs, Associations of Hotels & Restaurants, Hospitals & Nursing Homes, Resorts, Residential Welfare, Real Estate, and Trade, and related personnel. The participants showcased working models of waste, sanitation, and hygiene management followed in their respective state or organization, specifically highlighting the employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in the waste management sector.

The University has been awarded at various platforms, ranks “Seventh” under Higher Educational Institutions PAN India under Swachhta Ranking for Higher Educational Institutions 2019 and is bestowed with Environment Leadership Award for two consecutive years, 2017 and 2018 by Government of Himachal Pradesh for its initiatives like paper recycling plant where 100% waste paper recycling is done to produce papers, folders, envelopes, and carry bags for on-campus usage. Hydroponic farming is done in the campus based on nutrient film technique thus producing vegetables and fruits for consumption within campus. Infrastructure design of the University supports natural air conditioning, energy absorbent buildings in terms of light and air efficiency to avoid air conditioners. University was also acknowledged for 100% waste water recycling by dual plumbing and effective and effluent treatment plant on the campus. Effective rain water harvesting pits for ground water recharge is in place that uses solar energy for electricity and water heating on a large scale and many more environment friendly initiatives.

Dr. Varinder S Kanwar, Vice Chancellor, Chitkara University said, “University is always working effortlessly to promote the emerging trends in environmental conservation through various initiatives like community development programs, workshops and research projects and is an active member of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan and this is yet another initiative to give back to the Nation. The launch is an action towards the curb of job crunch as well as a promise to a more sustainable and breathable society. The students who will opt this line of study are not only going to get graduated academically but will turn out as sound minds with managerial skills which will serve the society from every vertex.”