Advanced Cardiac Centre celebrates World Heart Day



30 September 2021


The Department of Cardiology under the guidance of Prof Yash Paul Sharma (Head, Cardiology, Advance Cardiac Centre) organized a symposium and educative session on The World Heart Day celebrated every year on 29th September at the Advanced Cardiac Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh. It is the largest event for knowledge and awareness regarding cardiac illnesses. The theme of this year’s World Heart Day was Use Heart to Connect/Connect to Protectto utilize digital technology and telemedicine/telecardiology for management of patients with cardiac illness.

In the opening remarks Prof. Yash Paul Sharma paid the tributes to all frontline workers and healthcare workers who lost their life during this pandemic. He thanked and acknowledged the unending efforts of the medical fraternity and all healthcare personnel who have worked tirelessly during this pandemic. He applauded the great successful efforts towards COVID management policies and vaccination drive for the country by ourGovernment led by our Honorable Prime Minister.
Various topics were discussed on this day such as regarding effect of COVID on the heart, precautions for heart patients in the present era, importance of vaccine for cardiac patients, role of telemedicine in the time of COVID-19 pandemic, strategic management of cardiac patients during this period, and various ways and means to decrease the transmission for reducing the cardiac morbidity and mortality. Important effects of COVID on the cardiovascular system include acute coronary syndrome (heart attack), endothelial dysfunction, coronary thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism and arrhythmias including heart blocks/ and tachycardias.Prof. Yash Paul Sharma, faculty and residents discussed their experience of management of patients with COVID-19 and acute coronary syndrome which was presented as a paper in the European Society of Cardiology on 28th August, 2021 (Figure 1). Detailed discussion was done regarding vaccine for the cardiac patients and it was emphasized that all cardiac patients should receive vaccine. Role of telecardiology in hybrid mode utilizing physical as well as virtual technologies especially for follow-up of patients with stable conditions and teleconsultation to the doctors who are treating sick patients.

The strategic management of cardiac patients in the department was also discussed the by which the uninterrupted and quality services were provided to COVID negative and positive cardiac patients thus saving majority of the lives. This helped in containing the transmission of COVID as well.There was discussion on the unique post-COVID sequelae in children such as myocarditis, coronary artery involvement, and cardiogenic shock. Majority of the these children improve with strategic management and were discharged.

The was emphasized that it is important to continue good hygiene practices such as use of masks, appropriate social distancing and hand hygiene. The role of self-isolation (in suspicion of any viral infection) was also discussed in detail. This shall be of great importance for the health of individuals, family (including elderly) and society at large. Patients with viral illnesses should also utilize telehealth services in order to prevent spread of infections.