24 February 2017

The Alumni Association of Vivek High School; “The Ex – Vivekites Association organised the Alumni Sports league and Carnival at Vivek High School Chandigarh on the 24th of February.
Football Matches for Boys and Basketball Matches for girls took place and all the teams participated in true sportsman spirit. The alumni associations of Yadvindra Public school in Chandigarh, St Kabir school, guru Nanak Public school participated in the League.
Keynote of Ex-Vivekites Association and general manager of the JSJ Builders Guneet S. Josan, said that the main motive of organizing the Carnival and ialumni sports league to have all the alumni associations of all schools under the one umbrella and offer them a common platform for networking.
A Carnival with variety of games stalls was also organised to keep the Alumni families and children engaged.
Food stalls by leading city outlets like Gustos and uncle jacks was also present at the venue.
Guneet S. Josan said that the amount earned in the Carnival will be donated to the Institute Sorum thereby attaching a social cause to the league. He further added that the marketing head of Reliance Telecom (Punjab) distributed prizes to the winning teams and best players.
Leading city brands like Chandigarh City Center, Touchstone, Shri Gurudev, Bodyzone etc associated with the event .