27 February 2020

Angioplasty, with advancements in treatment of heart diseases, has become the safest option for treating ailments in elderly patients of age group 80 to 90 years. As the ageing population is on rise more patients, who had undergone bypass surgery or angioplasty 10-15 yrs ago, are now coming with new blockages in arteries/ grafts.
Dr H K Bali, Chairman Cardiac Sciences, Paras Superspeciality Hospital Panchkula said while interacting with media persons under the institution’s aim to create awareness on causes and treatments for coronary heart diseases.
Dr Kapil Chhatri Senior Consultant Cardiology and Dr Gagandeep Singh Consultant Cardiology from Paras Super Specialty Hospital, Panchkula flanked him.
With experience of more than 30 years in Cardiology and having done over 15000 cardiac interventions, Dr Bali said that while the overall population of India will grow by 40%., while population of those aged 60 and above will increase by 270 percent by 2026 year.
Sharing his experience Dr Harinder Bali said that in last 10 yrs he has performed angioplasty on over 250 patients who were in the age group of 80 -95 years and the oldest patient on whom he had performed angioplasty was 102 yrs old lady.
With the advancement in hardware and techniques of Angioplasty, now Angioplasty is possible for grafts , native vessels in patients who had under gone Angioplasty/ By pass surgery 10-15 yr back and are in age group of 80 -95 years.
He added that the results in these patients are very promising and gives them much needed respite, better health and longevity. He added that with the burgeoning ageing population, the need for better health care is felt even more and Angioplasty success in older patients addresses this need.
Speaking on this occasion Dr Kapil Chattree shared that in India, out of the estimated population of more than 130 billion dispersed across various geographical regions, about 45 million people suffer from coronary artery disease. In India heart diseases related death has risen by 34 % in last 26 years on the contrary the death rate due to cardiovascular rate declined by significantly 41 % in US between 1990 to 2016.
Speaking on the occasion Dr Gagandeep Singh said “In India, heart ailments have replaced communicable diseases as the biggest killer. According to recent data, approximately 30 percent of the urban population and 15 percent of the population living in rural areas suffer from high blood pressure and heart attacks. As the risk factors of heart ailments increase, so does the mortality rate. He added that current scenario demands an immediate emphasis be laid on preventive healthcare. As a part of this crusade, the Paras Hospital holds such media interactiona.
On this occasion, Mr Ashish Chadha Facility Director, Paraa Hospital Panchkula said that Paras Hospital is now empanelled with Haryana Govt, Himachal Govt , CGHS and all major corporates and all type on Non Invasive & Surgical treatment for Cardiac problem is offered under one roof at PARAS Hospital Panchkula Shalimar Bagh.