27 August 2020

Chandigarh’s 15 year old girl Annika have been fighting against celiac disease after she was diagnosed herself with same and was advised to take gluten free food , which was not easy staying at UK ‘s residential school.
She started a website and series of awareness camps at various schools throughout India and abroad too.
Even during Covid 19 Pandemic she is constantly spreading awareness via webinars with subject experts and various schools.
Following the outbreak of the global pandemic of Covid 19 and rising number of cases in our country, the government announced a lockdown. With the government lockdown order and inadequate state provisions for food distribution, several families are sleeping hungry.
Annika Dhariwal, aged 15 is the founder of glutenfreejio and took the initiative to hold over a dozen sensitization camps around the city of Chandigarh to spread awareness about celiac disease, the importance of a gluten free diet to treat it, and also distribution of gluten free food for the underprivileged sections of society. “In these unprecedented times, I thought I must reach out to the masses, spread awareness about celiac disease and do my bit for the affected by distributing simple gluten free grains and pulses” said Annika Dhariwal. It is a small step towards helping the community in these unprecedented times, she added.