6 June 2019

Chandigarh Naval NCC Unit is conducting its Annual Training Camp for Senior Division boys and Senior Wing girls cadets at PGGC-11 Chandigarh from 01-10 Jun 2019.
In this camp a total of 100 boys from various colleges of Chandigarh, 50 girls from MCM DAV and GGS -26 and in addition 50 girls of 1 HP Naval NCC unit Bilaspur are taking part.
The main aim of the camp is to impart Naval NCC training along with personality development and watermanship training to the cadets. In addition the cadets are asked to give a presentation on various battles/ wars and also on prominent leaders and war heroes. The cadets are taught naval service subjects, lectures on leadership, national integration, health and hygiene, small arms firing and drill. There are guest lecturers and practical demonstration conducted on personality development, child protection, traffic rules, fire fighting etc. Other activities consist of swimming, boat pulling, sailing, morning PT, cross country run, evening games, and cultural programmes.
Cadets are also taught values of a good citizen, asked to conduct various drives in neighbouring civilian areas, such as anti drugs/ smoking, swatch bharat, beti padao beti bachao etc.
The highlight of the camp is the waterman ship training in Sukhna lake after a gap of nearly three years.
At the end of ten day camp the cadets go back enriched with values of discipline, leadership, community living, good civil practices, humility and respect for all caste creed and religion.
The camp is headed by Camp Commandant Captain (IN) P S Bist commanding officer 1 Chd Naval NCC unit and he is assisted by Associate NCC Officers/ caretakers of respective colleges, PI and the civilian staff.