Applications invited for journalism honour 



3 March 2018


Simmi Marwaha Memorial Charitable Trust has invited applications from young journalists for their excellence in the field of journalism for 15th Simmi Marwaha young journalist Honour.

The felicitation day will be organised at Chandigarh Press Club Sector on coming April 3. The last date of submitting entries is March 25.

Rajinder Rosy, Managing Trustee, said those young scribes can send their applications in the a simple application giving details on how their professional skills have helped in bringing a change in the society.

She added trust will honour young journalist from print, electronic and web media apart from this Panjab University, Chandigarh Mass Communications topper will also be honoured with pure silver mementos. For any query they can contact on smctindia5@gmail.com098722-03478.

Journalist Simmi Marwaha passer away 15 years ago on 22nd March 2003 in a road accident in Chandigarh. At that time she was just 24 years old.

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