20 June 2022

The Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industries of India (ASSOCHAM), one of the oldest apex chambers in India, is organizing B2B Meetings with a visiting delegation from Sharjah Airport International Free (SAIF) Zone on 21 and 22 June at Hotel Taj Swarna, Amritsar. The agenda of these meetings is to explain the benefits of Free Trade Zones to businesses in Amritsar region and explore newly emerged business and investment opportunities in the UAE.
Amrit Sagar Mittal,Chairman, ASSOCHAM North Region Development Council & Vice Chairman, International Tractors Ltd, said, “ The India-UAE CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) is the first comprehensive bilateral trade agreement in a decade and it will increase the flow of goods, services, investments, technology & work opportunities for Indian Businesses, bringing strong multiplier benefits across sectors. Agri and Food Products along with textiles is one of the major export items from India to UAE. However, with the CEPA in place, there is a huge scope for other Punjab industries like Readymade Garments, Auto Components, Sports Goods and Equipments etc. also to export to UAE. The aim of these meetings is to apprise the participants on trade and investment opportunities in the UAE, especially in Sharjah Airport International Free (SAIF) Zone.”
There is no participation fee to attend these meetings, however pre-registration is mandatory. For registration, you can contact Mr. Anshumali Bajpai at 78003 59000 or send an email at More than 40 companies from Amritsar have already confirmed their participation.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has long been an attractive destination for entrepreneurs the world over, because of a well-developed and diversified economy, excellent infrastructure and transport links and a unique low tax regime. But while these may be the factors that get the headlines, there’s another major reason why so many flock to the UAE’s shores to conduct business – Free Zones. Also known as free trade zones, these are economic areas where goods and services can be traded. Free trade zones attract 0% tax rates, 100% Ownership, preferential customs duty rates and 100% import and export tax exemption.