Plus size women at every step of their life face discrimination and are made a subject of jokes and laughs. The society in general is insensitive and does not show any sympathy towards them. Passing of lewd remarks, advise from everyone regarding their dietary plans and eating habits to shed weight, exercising etc. are always the free and unwanted consultations that they get whenever they interact with anyone. In this era of zero size concept of beauty a plus size women does not gets fit in this zone.
The life of a plus size girl, especially in a conservative society like India is more miserable because it is a herculean task to find a suitable match for her. Her every qualification, whether her skin color, height, professional qualifications and self-dependence are not considered at all and she is judged on the basis of her weight only. These are the general discrimination that every plus size girl and women goes through in the society and I am not an exception to this. Whenever we have a family get-together the stares of the relatives gives me a tough time. They are ready with all sorts of advises and tell me to reduce my weight to come in the mainstream of the society.

Despite the position explained above, I admit that I am a plus size girl and not ashamed of it. I am confident and filled with a sense of self-esteem. I do not waste my time on advises and remarks from every quarter but am open to constructive criticism. As mentioned earlier, I also go through the discrimination that’s why I had decided to reply to the society in my own way.
Despite having zero experience of modeling I enrolled myself for the MS Plus Size North India, 2017 pageant the auditions for which were held across some major cities of North India. Through my determination, hard work and dedication I got selected for the finals of this event and awarded ‘Ms Sweet’ title. After achieving this the outlook of the society has changed towards me. Now I am getting more appreciation, respect and encouragement not only from my friends and family members but from my neighbors and relatives too.
Overnight their attitude and view towards a plus size girl has changed. Some also say that what I have been able to achieve is extremely difficult even for a normal skinny girl to achieve. This fills me with confidence and I am eager to scale newer heights with my sheer hard work and become a role-model for the other plus size girls but also want to prove wrong the misconception of the society that the beauty lies only in a skinny body.
-Sonal Bhasin, Finalist, Ms Plus Size North 2017
Also won ‘Ms Sweet’ title in Final
Very nice