5 April 2022

Makers of Geet Dholi are leaving no stones unturned to grab the attention of viewers with intriguing twists. The biggest change in heart would take place today as JK Mehra would start developing a soft corner for Geet.
In today’s episode, JK Mehra develops a sense of gratitude towards Geet as she saves his reputation in front of Tanya’s in-laws as Tanya had failed to perform the tasks which were given to her. To rescue her and save Mehra’s house dignity, Geet performs the relevant tasks secretly and all these efforts result in JK’s change of heart towards Geet.
But the real question is has JK Mehra really accepted Geet as her daughter-in-law or is there an ulterior motive behind his approval and support? To know more about what happens next, watch ‘Geet Dholi’ today only on Zee Punjabi at 8 pm.