30 October 2021

“Age is just a number, your actions resonate thunder” states Akshay Ahuja Co-Founder of The Child Prodigy. In order to felicitate 100 children from ages 2-16, The Child Prodigy organised a glittering event in Chandigarh today.
The Chief Guest of the event gave away awards to child heroes from age 2-16. The Chief Guest was very impressed with the achievements of the young children.
With a vision to encourage the bandwagon of the future of our country, The Child Prodigy event was organised today at Hotel Hyatt Regency Chandigarh. It was organized to felicitate children who have made our country proud. Child Prodigies from across the globe having varied talents were a part of the glittering event. Children from as small as 2 years to teenagers of 16 years were felicitated at the event.
“Talents that got recognition were as diverse as public speaking, artificial intelligence expertise, youngest novelist, programming expert, start-up founder, mountaineer, etc. Families from all walks of life became a part of this successful event,’’ says Akshay Ahuja. There were participants from as far as Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad and even England.
The Child Prodigy is a brainchild of Akshay Ahuja that was started with a vision to encourage youth that possess expertise in any field. Today was the first anniversary of the Child Prodigy which was celebrated by organising this event.
Some gifted children who attended the event were Kartik Tara and Vinayak Tara who have created ventilators, Rehana who created a home automation system, Kautilya Veer who runs his own start-up. At least 100 such children were felicitated at the event.
A book of 100 Child Prodigies was launched at the event by the Chief Guest. The book has stories about how these prodigies have polished their talents and what was their stepping stone.
There were 6-panel discussion rounds of these prodigies where they shared deep insights about their areas of expertise.