Citizen Awareness Group & Laghu Udyog Bharti organize one day Awareness Programe on ZED



8 March 2017


Laghu Udyog Bharati & organized a one day awareness program on Zero Defect Zero Effect Manufacturing Scheme at Hotel Pelican sensitise the entrepreneurs from various Industries regarding the new initiative ZED scheme of the MSME, Govt. of India. Program was attended by about 50 entrepreneurs of the region.

Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh was the chief guest for the occasion. He explained briefly the visions of honorable Prime Minister “Zero Defect Zero Defect” and how is it the need of the hour to remain competitive in global market. He explained that this program support ‘Make in India’ campaign. Professor Naresh Chawla from TQM Centre of PEC University of Technology was the Keynote Speaker. He briefed about the ZED Certification, procedures and benefits and also shared his experience with the audience.  He
emphasized that the key objective of the scheme is to encourage MSMEs to constantly upgrade their quality standards in products and processes.

Mr. R.K. Verma, Asst. Director, MSME-DI also added to the awareness about the importance of doing Energy Efficient manufacturing and other initiatives taken up by Govt. of India for MSMEs.

Other dignitaries present were Mr Surinder Verma from Citizen Awareness group and  Mr. A.L Agrawal of, President Laghu Udyog Bharati Mr Yudhveer Kaura and Vice President Mr. Rakesh Agrawal shared their experiences about the importance of quality and promoting adaptation of Quality tools/systems. Mr. Sanjeev Gupta, expressed gratitude to all the entrepreneurs for active participation and making the even a success.