City to host two-day conference on Down Syndrome 



18 September 2019


Down syndrome fraternity will gather for a two-day conference at The Lalit, Chandigarh with a power packed schedule to enlighten the city on Down syndrome.

The event is hosted by the Down Syndrome Association of Tamilnadu, founded by Dr. Surekha Ramachandran who will be there to engage with audiences. Prominent speakers will be there to present their versions and interact with the audience to help them understand behavioural aspects better. Dr. Ramachandran will be available to answer any query related to Down syndrome.

Down syndrome can happen to anyone. It’s not a hereditary condition, it’s not connected to the health of a mother’s pregnancy; it occurs when the 21stchromosome triplicates because of which it is also called Trisomy 21. For this unique reason the world celebrates Down Syndrome Day on 21/3 every year.

A grand unveiling of the celebration will begin on the 19th of September at The Crystal Ballroom, The Lalit, Chandigarh. The Honorable Cabinet Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Government of Punjab Rana Gurmit Singh Sodhi has kindly consented to be the Chief Guest at the event. The inauguration on the 19th of September will start from 5: 30 P.M till about 8 P.M with programs being presented by the team from Punjab.

The conference begins the next day at 9 A.M with various specialists and experienced individuals discussing the various aspects of Down syndrome. Activities for self-advocates (Persons with Down syndrome) have all been planned to the finest details to help them understand the various nuances of Down syndrome.

During the 2 days of the conference, there are various topics that would be touched upon to help parents, caregivers and persons with Down syndrome to assist persons with Down syndrome lead better lives. Sessions dealing with therapies, medical assistance, social and behavioural patterns are all being taken by experienced professionals who would be able to guide the delegates in grooming persons with Down syndrome.

The event aims to spread awareness about two key areas, clearing up the cloudy misconceptions on what Down Syndrome is and the science behind it; second is giving everybody a chance to interact, participate in the activities with other parents, persons with Down syndrome, specialists and other delegates. . There is so much stigma and exclusion when it comes to differently-abled people, this event will break away the glass wall and everyone gets to take home heaps of learning and memories!

India has 30,000 kids born with Down Syndrome every year. Compared to other developed countries, India continues to be low on awareness and medical facilities for Down syndrome. Children with Down Syndrome thrive on friendship, feeling included and love having a great time; IIDSC is just that – a celebration of persons with Down syndrome.