20 December 2017
Beauty and makeovers expert, RICHA AGGARWAL, Cleopatra kicked off Xmas and New year celebration in a beautiful and novel way as everyone had a tryst with scintillating SANTARINA. The Goody Wish Bag of SANTARINA opened with plethora of global trends in beauty and makeovers that will remain in vogue in year 2018. Everyone was mesmerized with beautiful makeovers created in vibrant hues of Gold and red. Richa Aggarwal and Harveen kathuria showcased vivid looks based on the theme of Red carpet, new year new look, Bollywood charmer and Bohemian Diva. Cleopatra chose the occasion to spread across the message of being beautiful from inside out. Ravishing Bahar Chawla who played Santarina was quite upbeat and stated ” I feel proud in ultra chic avtaar of beautiful SANTARINA and feel ecstatic to spread across the message of harmony and staying beautiful from inside out. Through the event we also aimed to create awareness regarding organic ways to achieve beauty, diet, lifestyle modification and yoga.
Richa Aggarwal, owner and beauty expert Cleopatra was equally thrilled and said ” Why only Santa should get all the due attention and be the source of all the attraction, why should he feel alone, so here we go and proudly present Xmas Santorina”, we will also pick up 5 city girls and transmogrify them into Sizzling Santorina’s this week.

Richa Aggarwal with Harveen kathuria highlighted different Makeovers and made forecasts on the Current Trends, joining them in parade of creativity were talented students from Cleopatra who said “
Event at Cleopatra KHARAR also offered Dazzling live sessions on self grooming, Complementary skin analysis and diet chart, DIY hair styles for partying, Creative Nail art sessions, Know your Make-up products, Organic beauty workshop and more.