Committee to check malpractices in Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association Election


6 September 2018

In order to curb the irregularities and malpractices in the Election of the Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association, a Committee was constituted consisting of Senior Advocates to amend the existing Rules. The said Committee drafted the Rules on the pattern of Supreme Court Bar Association Election Rules which were placed before the General House of the Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association.

General House deliberated the issues intermittently for 15 days, in which written suggestions of about 300 members and oral suggestion about 50 members were considered and draft Rules were passed
unanimously with a little modifications.

Now onwards, according to the new Rules, outside members have been debarred to participate in the election process and only actively practising Advocate in the Hon’ble
High Court will be allowed to cast their votes in the General Election of the Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association. No member shall be allowed to cast his/her vote who is enrolled after 31st October of every year, with a rider that too will have to show his appearance on 8 dates in cases, in previous year. Repeated contestants to different posts have now been limited to two terms only. This decision of Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association, Chandigarh is applauded by the Advocates and legal fraternity/Judiciary, as these rules have been passed for maintaining the dignity of the Bar as well as betterment of the legal fraternity.
The General House of the Punjab and Haryana High Court Bar Association
has also recommended to dismember the members who are in arears of more than 2 years. Furthermore the General House is also kind and generous to give life time achievement awards to Sh. M.P. Gupta,
Advocate, Permanent Executive Member on the occasion of 75th birth anniversary.