27 August 2020

Corona Killer Machine is the only indigenously developed machine that has been approved by ICMR and National Institute of Virology (NIV). The machine is being manufactured in a Pune based facility by Indotech Industries. Corona Killer is a savior for all Indians .
Ionization process is used to deactivate all kinds of bacteria and Virus (Including corona virus). ICMR and NIV have tested the efficiency of this machine. Even Pune based Naidu Hospital has tested the same in its COVID ward and has certified that this machine deactivates the virus, hereby reduces virus count by using ionization process.
Amit Duggal, Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer, Saisir Global Technologies Pvt Ltd (Zirakpur),(7011388933,
Corona Killer operates on electricity and no sanitization or soap is required. Therefore it has zero operation cost.
This machine can be installed at residence, hospitals, schools, vehicles, Covid quarantine centers, factories, temples etc.
This machine completely sanitizes the marks, hand gloves, Bed sheets and other items present in COVID ward or covid Patients
The company is manufacturing 200 units of Corona Killer machine every day and the capacity is being increased to 700 units per day.
This machine has been manufactured in India. The same is inspired by the Make in India concept. The machine is being sold across globe and is being exported to South Africa and Saudi Arabia also.