22 March 2017
Kulbir singh kalsi

Dr Shankar Prinja, Associate Professor of Health Economics, School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh introduced the concept of financial management and its importance in health care settings. The sessions were supported with relevant case studies, short informative videos and associated management games. Mr Sunil from International Union against Tuberculosis and lung disease, took a session on framing effective budget for a program and building an effective financial reporting system for hospitals and health care programs. Dr. Amarjeet Singh, Professor, School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh briefed audience on principles of effective communication and community participation and coordination in healthcare setting through role plays. Participants also learned about types of communication, communication styles and barriers in communication and its implication in public health. Professor Sanjay Gupta from National Institute of Health and Family Welfare took a session on planning and evaluation of communication strategy for public health programme and the importance of public health advocacy. All sessions were highly interactive and followed by their respective case study, relevant videos and associated management games.
There was also an outdoor activity in the form of management games at Sukhana Lake in the evening which was thoroughly enjoyed by participants.Through this participant learned principles of team work, communication, shared vision, coordination and conscientiousness towards society.