D.A.V. College Launches POLL-I-TICO Magazine



16 August 2021


The Department of Political Science and the Political Science Association of D.A.V. College, Sec-10, Chandigarh, launched the first edition of its annual departmental magazine, POLL-I-TICO, on 14 August, 2021. The magazine was released by Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma, Principal, along with Dr. Ghanshyam Dev, Head of the Department of Political Science, Dr. Sutapa Saryal, Chief Editor, Dr. Kanwalpreet Kaur and other department teachers.

The magazine contains well researched infographic posts about the Chief Ministers of Indian States and some eminent personalities that have graced our society. It also contains political write-ups by the students of D.A.V. College, Chandigarh, which will surely add to the knowledge of the readers.

Vivek, BA III Hons., Jasleen Singh, BA III Hons., and Aditi Suman, B.Sc. III Hons., were the founding students of the magazine.

The office bearers of the Political Science Association, the student society of the department, were felicitated by the Principal and the department teachers for their hardwork and continuous efforts in organising competitions, webinars, quizzes, etc throughout the year and in building up the annual magazine.

Dr. Pawan Sharma appreciated the efforts of the students and the department of political science for coming up with the magazine despite such difficult times. He remarked that the magazine will serve as a great platform for students to share their views and to develop their writing skills and research abilities.