Dabur Honitus launches MegaCampaign to fight cough & cold in India



14 August 2019


Due to the frequent weather changes, unseasonal rains, pollutions etc. throat infections, cough and cold have become one of the most common health problems in Urban India. Children are at more risk of suffering from cough and cold as they are exposed to outdoor activities several times a day. Though cough and cold is generally not regarded as a serious health hazard, but it may lead to multiple other health problems if it is not treated at the onset. Once children have cough and cold they may be prone to other health issues. As a result they might miss the best period of their schools and learnings.

Dabur Honitus, India’s largest ayurvedic cough remedy from the House of Dabur — announced the launch of its mega campaign to fight cough & cold in India. Under this initiative, Honitus will beconducting health sessions in schools, reaching out to over 10,000people, educating them about prevention from cough & coldand other throat infections along with distributing free samples of Honitus to protect themselves from this disease this Monsoon.

The campaign would also cover students and teachers in schools in different cities. Flagging off the initiative in Tricity,Daburconducted an awareness session amongst more than 600 kids from Government Senior Secondary school, Sector 6, Punchkulatoeducate the students, teachers as well as parents about effective prevention from cough & cold.The special awareness session was conducted by a leading medical practitioner in the city DrPushkarVir Singh Bhatia.

Mr. Aniket Das, Brand Manager- Dabur Honitus said,“As a brand, Honitushas been working towards keeping people stay safe from cough & cold and other throat infections. Moving ahead on this mission, we have taken up this social initiative to help build public awareness and protect them from such infections in monsoon. Dabur’s Honitus Cough Syrup provides effective relief from cough, without side-effects. It controls cough and relieves throat irritation. It is an ayurvedic medicine for cough that is fortified with Tulsi, Mulethi&Banapsha and other powerful scientifically tested medicinal ingredients as recommended by Ayurveda. Allopathic cough syrups may contain codeine & alcohol, which cause drowsiness and may be addictive. Dabur Honitus is a safe & effective herbal formulation that helps relieve cough, without any adverse effects.”The formulation is clinically proven and provides fast relief against cough and throat irritation. It is 100% Ayurvedic and safe”.

Addressing the awareness Session, DrPushkarVir Singh Bhatia said, “Ayurvedic medicines are formulated using natural ingredients that are traditionally known to soothe the ailments. Ayurvedic medicines for cough & cold are usually a combination of herbs and spices like clove, ginger, tulsi, turmeric, honey, cinnamon etc, which are beneficial for people of all ages. Besides, a medicine or a remedy that is made from ingredients commonly found in almost every kitchen can be considered safe. To treat the problem of cough, opting for Ayurvedic treatments and remedies can be a good alternative.Cough & cold are among the most common health ailments that people suffer from. Prevention is the key to avoid diseases like throat infections, cough & cold. During monsoon, it was important to increase awareness about the necessity of protection for kids as well as for adults.This campaign is an initiative in the same direction and I am glad to be associated with this cause.”