Department of Cardiology performed the path breaking and innovative case of intravascular shock wave lithotripsy first time

1 February 2020
Department of Cardiology, PGIMER performed the path breaking and innovative case of intravascular shock wave lithotripsy first time in  North Zone of India. It was performed in a 52 year old male patient from Himachal Pradesh who was a case severe calcific  Left main Triple Vessel disease, which is the most severe form of coronary artery disease. Patient was having daily episodes of rest chest pain. Patient was refused for coronary artery bypass surgery due to  high risk and diffuse disease in coronary arteries . The procedure was carried out successfully by Professor and Head Dr Yash Paul Sharma and Dr Prashant Panda. Intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) (Shockwave Medical) is a newly available treatment for calcified coronary plaque prior to stent placement. At low balloon pressure, lithotripsy electrodes inside the system generate pulsatile mechanical energy that disrupts the calcium at the target site and allows for the optimization of stent deployment and expansion. Prodedure was done successfully without any complication. Department of cardiology in PGIMER has already achieved very low mortality rates in patients with acute coronary syndrome ,cardiogenic shock and heart failure. With this procedure more number of patients with coronary artery disease who are not candidate for intervention will be treated safely and effectively. Dr Sharma added ” this modality will be very helpful in those subset of patients who are not candidate for either surgical or conventional interventional treatment. This procedure is alternative to cutting balloons and rota ablation in treatment of calcified vessels and also in few patients it will be adjunctive.”