5 May 2017

An emergency meeting of district council of Panjab and Chandigarh College Teacher Union (PCCTU) was held on 5th may 2017, to discuss the manhandling of Prof Puneet Chadha, Assistant professor, D A V college sector 10 Chandigarh. The District council strongly condemned the incidence of assault by students of B C A 3rd year and biased behavior of police. Distt council unanimously decided if action is not taken against the students an agitation will be launched in all Chandigarh aided colleges. Prof Bhupinder Singh, President, Distt council, expressed his anguished over the behavior of students and stated that such incidence will never be tolerated in future. Prof Himanshu , Secretary Distt council stated that this is not an attack on one faculty member but on the whole teaching fraternity and we will always stand by worthy colleagues against such incidences.