28 June 2020

With the entire world fighting against the COVID 19 pandemic, the NSS Unit of Dev Samaj College for Women (DSCW), Sector 45 B,here, organised an online session to showcase the capability that yoga has in keeping COVID 19 at bay.
The session was coordinated by NSS volunteers under the supervision of the program officers, Dr Anupam Rani and Mrs Leena Gupta. A special online yoga session was held in which Dr Ila Rathor, yoga practitioner and head of the English department of the college, demonstrated various yoga asanas and explained their importance in the COVID era. Students performed the asanas with full energy and enthusiasm. Dr Rathor also gave some important tips for physical and mental fitness. She encouraged the students to make yoga a part of their lives against COVID, as well as for holistic wellness.
Various competitions on the theme of yoga were organized. Students wrote poems and slogans, and made posters to spread the message about the importance of yoga for health, happiness and well-being.
Dr Meena Chopra, Principal, DSCW said that these activities were held to make the students aware of the importance of Yoga for total fitness amidst the COVID 19 problem.