1 May 2019
Kulbir Singh Kalsi

Today, In a function organized in the Diwan Atma Ram Auditorium of Law Bhawan, at Chandigarh, Hon’ble Mr. Justice, Arun Monga Judge of Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court, graced the occasion as Chief Guest and distributed more than 200 Enrolment certificates after administrating oath to the newly enrolled advocates. Wishing them success in practice His Lordship advised by referring to his old days of learning saying that there is no substitute to hard work. He advised the new entrants to have patience and put hard work with all sincerity and integrity to achieve the goal of practice to perfection.
Sh. Harpreet Singh Brar, Chairman Bar Council Punjab & Haryana while welcoming the Hon’ble Mr. Justice Arun Monga, Judge as Chief Guest, advised the new entrants to maintain dignity of the noble legal profession during practice and extended his words of wisdom to the entrants Sh. Gurtej Singh Grewal, Vice Chairman Sh. Suvir Sidhu, Hony’ Secretary Sh. Partap Singh, Member BCI, and other Members of Bar Council also graced amongst the presence of other Advocates as well as parents and guardians of the newly enrolled advocates who belong to different places of Punjab, Haryana and U.T. Chandigarh. It is also pertinent to mention here that the Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana was established under the Advocates Act 1961 and from its inception Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana has on its roll about one lac thousand advocates.