Experts deliberate upon new surgical techniques during Breast Cancer Symposium at Fortis Mohali



24 February 2024


To spread awareness on breast cancer and highlight the latest medical advancements in surgical intervention, Fortis Cancer Institute, Mohali, organiseda ‘Breast Cancer Symposium’ at the hospital today.

This initiative, conceived by Dr. Naval Bansal, Endocrine & Breast Cancer Surgeon at Fortis Hospital Mohali, marks the first-of-its-kind multi-disciplinary meet in the region aimed at highlighting recent and optimal treatment modalities for breast cancer. Renowned breast cancer surgeons and oncologists from across North India attended the symposium.

Dr. Bansal discussed the mostadvanced treatment options available for breast cancer at Fortis Mohali, including Vacuum Assisted Breast Surgery, Immediate/Delayed Reconstruction, the Latest Radiotherapy Machine, Multi-disciplinary Tumour Board, Sentinel Node Lymph Biopsy, Stereotactic Breast Surgery, Immunotherapy, and Advanced Daycare.

Giving details, Dr Bansal, added, “It is the first of its kind breast cancer symposium organised in the city. The event included hands-on training sessions on new surgical techniques, ABC/SGRT radiation techniques, poster quiz for postgraduate students and awareness talks. The Department of Breast-Onco surgery at Fortis Hospital Mohali has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from breast cancer using the most advanced surgical techniques.”

Dr Rajeev Bedi, Director, Medical Oncology, Fortis Cancer Institute, Mohali, said, “Fortis Cancer Institute has treated many patients suffering from breast cancer using the most advanced therapies for breast cancer. The symposium has offered an insight into the latest advancements in breast cancer care.”

Echoing similar sentiments, Dr. Narendra Kumar Bhalla, Director, Radiation Oncology, said, “According to a study by Globocon 2020, in India, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every four minutes. With approximately 1,78,000 new cases diagnosed every year, the incidence of breast cancer has surpassed cervical cancer to become the most common cancer among Indian women. The symposium emphasised issues related to breast cancer management and showcased the latest advancements in treatment.”

Abhijit Singh, Head-SBU, Fortis Hospital Mohali, said, “More than 150 delegates including renowned doctors from across India took part in the event. The symposium highlighted the recent advancements in breast cancer treatment, which has helped improve survival rates and quality of life for patients.