“Filmmaking, Imagination and Spectatorship” seminar at PGGC-11

31 March 2017
The PG department of English, PGGC-11, conducted a capacity building seminar on the creative process of “Filmmaking, imagination and spectatorship” . Eminent scholars from fields as diverse as filmmaking, bureaucracy and academics shared their ideas on vital issues of creative process and spectatorship. The keynote speakers were national award winning filmmakers Nandan Saxena and Kavita Bahl, the Vice Chancellor of State University of Performing arts Mr. V.S Kundu and Prof. Surbhi Goel from the Dept of English & Cultural Studies, Panjab University.
​The seminar began with the brief introduction on the concept note by Dr. Gaurav Sood followed by the screening of Nandan Saxena and Kavita Bahl’s much acclaimed film “Candles in the Wind” which sensitized the audience towards some of the most enduring problems. The film investigates policy –induced non –renumerative agriculture and escalating farm suicides in the heart of Punjab. Where men found an easy escape in death, the widows bear the burden of their debt. The film is a poignant portrayal of these brave farm-widows, with minimalist narration and a cinematic interplay of image and soundscapes.  This was followed by an interactive discussion. Mr V.S kundu while talking about the process of filmmaking said that nowadays “craft has become extremely important in filmmaking”. Prof. Surbhi Goel laid emphasis on spectatorship and said that “ the spectator precedes the film itself”.
Ms Aparna Kaushal, Head of the Dept, emphasized that a film is not only a cultural artifact, but also an influential art form which helps us address some pertinent issues. Principal, Prof. J.K Sehgal , said that such seminars provide a good platform to exchange ideas and create awareness and the understanding of the process of filmmaking.
​Nandan Saxena and Kavita Bahl are independent filmmakers and media-trainers with over 40 films to their credit. Their films ‘Cotton for my Shroud’ and ‘I cannot give you my forest’ were awarded the Rajat Kamal (Silver Lotus) for Best investigative films at the National Film Awards, 2011. As media trainers they offer workshops to initiate inquisitive minds into filmmaking under the banner- Quark Workshops. This is for the first time these filmmakers are visiting the tricity and conducting Photography and Digital film- making workshops at Red Bishop, Panchkula, Chandigarh.