26 February 2017

The first general body meeting of CRIKC society held at SAIF/CIL, Panjab University Chandigarh today. President CRIKC Prof. A. K. Grover, Vice-chancellor Panjab University Chandigarh inaugurated the state of art video conference facility created under CRIKC in CIL. The meeting was attended by large number of members representing different institutions such as PU, PGIMER, PEC, NITTTR, INST, IISER, NABI, IIT Ropar, CSIO, NIPER and industrial representatives from NET solutions, Quark Xpress, SML Isuzu. The meeting was started with a welcome address by Prof. M. M. Gupta, secretary CRIKC. Prof. Arun Grover, presented a brief introduction about generation of CRIKC idea and also listed the issues need to address for taking the CRIKC initiative forward. There are representatives from industry who emphasized the need for industrial academia interaction. Prof. Rupinder Tiwari detailed how the industrial academia interaction can be taken forward. The same also emphasized by other speakers. Dr. Y.K. Chawla, ex-director PGIMER brought of several important points i.e. similar initiatives taken by IIT, Madras to start incubators for industrial collaboration. Prof. I S Chadha, (PU Fellow) emphasized the applied research under CRIKC.
A brief summary of CRIKC activities of last one year was presented by Prof. S K Mehta, joint secretary, CRIKC. Dr. Deepak Salunke, treasurer, CRIKC society presented membership details and financial status. Prof. Manoj Arora, Director, PEC in his concluding remarks brought several suggestions like integration of library resources of all CRIKC institutions, initiating common Pre-Ph.D. courses, easy access and information for use of various institutions facilities and holding of GIAN programs jointly among all CRIKC institutions. The open discussion was held among the present members about the future course of action. All the valuable suggestions were noted to act in the coming years. The meeting was ended with vote of thanks.