Fortis Cardiologist lists out precautions during Diwali festivities



6 November 2018


Apart from the exuberance of revelries, Diwali also has significant healthcare issues attached with it. Burn injuries and noise pollution are other significant perceptions of these health issues. Being observant to these aspects while relishing the festivities is an important safety measure.

Speaking about the patients who are at high risk of developing heart disease, Dr. Arun Kochar, Senior Consultant, Cardiology, Fortis Mohali said, “They are usually suffering from Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and obesity problems. Such individuals should refrain themselves from overeating calories rich sweets and trans fats rich foods.  Many of such patients queue up later at the hospitals after the festivities are over. Dry fruits, alcohol and fried foods are excessively consumed in a lavish manner during these times leading to destabilization of the precarious clinical condition of such susceptible individuals.”

Another important aspect leading to increased incidence of heart attacks during these months is presence of smog in the air.  Smog is coined by the combination of two words.  Smoke and fog.”, he further added.

 He later advised the necessary measures which can be taken to prevent heart attack during the festivity celebration. “It is not only important what we eat and how we manage everyday stress, but also what we breathe.  It has been advised that people who have risk factors for heart disease should take adequate precautions during days of extreme air pollution. Staying away from vehicular traffic, protecting from petrol exhaust, avoiding going out in peak rush hours, checking out daily local Air pollution forecasts,  avoiding cigarette smoke at all times and regular check on air filters of air conditioners are few of the important steps in preventing adverse events”, he said.

Dr. Arun Kochar further advised, “It is important that we should recognize patients who are at high risk. Diabetics, those with high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, smokers or those with allergies or lung disease, such patients should take adequate precautions as during Diwali increased particulate matter in the atmospheric air could lead to increased incidence of heart attacks. Diet should also be looked after well as overeating is quite common during this time of the year. But it is also important that one should not lose the spirit of Diwali and must take active participation in celebrations. Diwali is a national festival and we must all make an effort to enjoy it.”