10 December 2022

An 18-year-old girlhad beenexperiencing chronic pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, bloating and pain during urination.This had affected her health and she was unable to conduct her routine activities. She finally consultedDr Swapna Misra, Director, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Fortis Mohali, who is also a Robotic Laparoscopic and Cancer Surgeon, in November this year. Medical examination revealed that the Patient had dysmenorrhea – a disordercharacterized by severe menstrual pain.Further, the ultrasound revealed two large benign cysts (measuring 13cmx10 cm) around both the ovaries.
Earlier,removal of the ovarywas the standardized treatment for women having cysts around ovaries. However, in this particular case,to help the Patient conceive in future, Dr Misra decided to treat her through Robotic aided Surgery.Robotic aided Surgery is the latest form of minimal invasive surgery, which provides a 3D view of the operative field via a special camera inserted into the body of the patient. Parts of the body which are difficult to reach with the human hand can be accessedthrough robot-assisted arms that can rotate 360 degrees.Fortis Hospital Mohali has theworld’s most advanced 4th Generation Robot – Da Vinci Xi, through which Robotic Surgeriesare conducted.
The team of doctors led by Dr Misra conducted Bilateral Cystectomy(removal of ovarian cyst) and Adhesiolysis(remove adhesions from inside the uterus) through Robotic Surgery where the Patients ovary was saved.The patient wasdischarged two days post the surgeryandis leading a healthy life now.
In another case, a 40-year-old unmarried woman had heavy menstrual bleeding and was anemicsince past two years. Medical evaluation revealed a large fibroid (measuring 11cm-12 cm). The Patient had visited several hospitals in the past and was advised to undergo Hysterectomy(surgical procedure to remove the uterus). She consultedDr Misra who advised her to undergo uterus-saving Robotic Surgery. The Patient underwent Robotic Myomectomy (fibroidremoval) where her uterus was saved and she was discharged two days after the procedure. The patient has recovered fully and is leading a normal life.
Discussing the benefits of Robotic aided Surgery, Dr Misra who has conducted 200 robotic surgeriessaid, “Robotic aided Surgery has been established as the gold standard procedure foralmost all gynecological surgeries — fibroids, endometriosis, vesico-vaginal fistula, ovarian cyst, salpingo-oophorectomy, myomectomy, hysterectomy and all cancers of the uterus, ovary and cervix.Robotic aided Surgeries has revolutionized the treatment of various gynaecological diseases.”