31 March 2019

Government Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities (GRIID), Chandigarh, organized a National Conference in Collaboration with National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities (Divyangjan), MJS&E, Govt. of India, Chennai. Thetheme of the conference held at GRIID, Sector 31 was, ‘Disabilities Rights and Status in India: Policy and Programs for Persons with Disabilities’.
Prof. B.S. Chavan, Director Medical Education and Research and Principal Medical College (DP-GMCH) was the keynote speaker. Prof.Chavan highlighted the gender disparity in the field of disability and in general. He also highlighted how girls with disability often need to face pity due to their gender and also due to their nature of disability by quoting example from his vast experience of working with intellectually disabled. He was very much concerned about the fact that latest policy failed to address this issue at its root cause.
After that Dr. PritiArun (JD-GRIID), Organizing Chairperson of the conference threw light on the challenges that masses face while getting certificates for persons with disabilities during her talk. Dr.PritiArun also suggested some measures, which are followed at GRIID and GMCH to pose as a fine example to neighboring states. She also highlighted that parents and their children are suffering a lot due to non-availability of proper channel to get the certification done of PwDs.
Later in the afternoon session Dr. Wasim Ahmad, Assistant Professor, GRIID spoke about the emerging trend in inclusive education viz. Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Dr. Ahmad spoke about the three basic principals attached to UDL and how they have been successfully implemented in few states of India. He quoted live examples of using UDL in inclusive classroom. The lecture was very helpful as majority of delegates were the prospective users and beneficiaries of UDL.
Ms Nazli, The Organizing Secretary of the Conference and the Course Coordinator GRIID spoke on Samagra Shikhsa. During her talk she highlighted that it is an Integrated Scheme for School Education as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme and is being implemented throughout the country with effect from the year 2018-19. It is an overarching programme for the school education from pre- nursery to class 12. It subsumes the tree schemes of SSA, RMSA and TE (teacher education). Vision of the scheme is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education in accordance with the sustainable development. It is a holistic approach of education which also benefits children with special needs in an inclusive classroom. It focuses on digital education in schools, Universal Access including Infrastructure Development, Gender and Equity, Inclusive Education, Financial support for Teacher, Digital initiatives, Entitlements under RTE Act, 2010.
There were many other speakers who spoke on different topics related to rights, issues and challenges of persons with disabilities. Prof. Raj K Gupta spoke onAnalysis of Gender Equality Concerns in RPWD Act 2016. She highlighted limitations of RPWD Act 2016 and how it biased with reference to gender. Prof. JS Saini spoke on Facilitating career and employment opportunities for PwDs. There was a paper presentation session also where more than 30 papers were presented by the experts and the scholars.
The Session was chaired by Dr. Bikram Rana, State Liason Officer NSS. The vote of thanks was proposed Ms.Nazli, the organizing Secretary of the two days National Conference to the Dignitaries, Guests and the delegates.