Girls are the spirit of our Nation, Save them and stop their exploitation



24 January 2018

Kulbir singh kalsi

Keeping in mind this, today National Girl Child day was celebrated in M.R.A Sr, Sec, School with an objective to raise consciousness of society towards the rights and dignity of girls and women at all levels.

The girls wearing Pink Turban spread the strong message of ‘rising girls and empowered woman.

Principal madam Mrs.Saroj Savant also stressed upon the empowerment of women and added that she measures the progress  of a community by the degree of progress which women  have achieved.The teachers also emhasised that the girls should become the brand ambassadors of the change towards an egalitarian society.

A ralley was also orgnised under the guidance of Sparrow Club incharge Mrs. Savita Arya spreading the massage “Don’t be Cold, Girls Are Worth More Than Gold”.