‘Good Touch Bad Touch’



19 July 2018

Kulbir singh kalsi

“Our primary concern is the safety of our children” with this view, the tiny tots of Kindergarten block of St. Joseph’s Sr. Sec. School, Sector 44 D, Chandigarh, were shown a short movie on Child Safety and were given a talk about Good Touch and Bad Touch. Children were guided with the help of mannequins about their private parts and who can touch them and when. Teachers explained them the difference between a good and a bad touch and if someone touches them and they feel bad or uncomfortable- they should say aloud ‘NO’ or ‘Scream’ and run away from there. They also came to know about the “Safe Circle” that consisted of their father, mother and certain people about whom their parents ensure them to trust and tell everything. They should not hide anything from them. This ‘safe circle’ people would always be there to love, help and protect them against any untoward incident.  It is the right time to make our little ones aware of this harsh reality and make them alert and cautious always. It is well said “Teach the children so that it will not be necessary to teach the adults”