10 June 2017

Summer Camp for kids has been inaugurated by Gurbax Rawat (Councillor, MC Chandigarh) at Community Center sector 39 this morning 10:30 AM. This camp is organised by Social Workers Mrs. Shikha Garg & Mrs Harsh Bansal in collaboration with RWA sector 39 & NGO HUM (Human Understanding Mission).
Around 70 children from sector 39 has participated in this camp. Children learnt art, craft , dance and listened to motivational stories. On the spot drawing competition was also organised. Children performed Gidda and Bhangra as inauguration event.
Smt. Rawat addressed children and encouraged them to learn things with fun. During camp she was also dancing and playing with kids and kids also grasped opportunity to have her autographs on their painting books and some offered her to give autographs on hands. Smt. Rawat told media that kids from poor family are unable to afford highly paid summer camps so this free Summer Camp is for sure going to help them and she is happy to be the part of it.