Hair loss can occur due to various reasons, which include thyroid or hormonal imbalances, stress, illness, excessive oiliness of scalp, nutritional deficiencies, hair damage and so on. Hair loss at the crown can occur for women, when there is general thinning of the hair, as during menopause. However, hair loss in women does not normally progress to baldness, as in men. Hair loss at the crown or hairline can happen to men due to hormonal or hereditary factors, known as “male pattern baldness.” There is yet another condition of hair loss, known as alopecia areata, which can affect men, women and even children. It can lead to partial or total baldness.
We have been treating hair loss problems clinically in our women and men’s salons. Most often, the client may have already visited doctors, without a solution. Due to the anxiety, our therapists handle the hair very gently and also reassure the client and instill confidence that a solution will be found.
The client is put on a course of clinical treatments, which creates a germicidal environment on the scalp and improves blood circulation to the follicles. The hair is actually fed by nutrients in the blood stream, so improving blood circulation to the follicles encourages the flow of nutrients. Specialized Ayurvedic hair tonics are also applied and measures are taken to increase the absorption of the tonic. Hair tonics and cleansers are also recommended for home use. The client is also given dietary advice. We recommend a small bowl of sprouts daily. Sprouts contain amino acids and are particularly useful for promoting hair growth. Fresh fruits, raw salads, leafy green vegetables, curd are included in the diet. Doctors are requested to prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements. Biotin, a B-Vitamin is said to be very important for hair growth.

Obviously, when hair loss progresses to baldness, the sufferer wants to know what options or solutions are available. Apart from wearing a wig, there are other options, like hair weaving, hair extensions and hair transplant. Hair weaving is done if the person is partially bald. The hair is actually woven to the roots of the existing hair. The hair is sometimes even glued on. Then it is said to grow naturally. Partial hair extensions are becoming more popular in the hair weaving method. However, washing the hair and keeping the scalp clean poses a problem. Also, one has to go periodically to get the weave tightened.
There are many kinds of wigs. So, take advice from a hairstylist and then decide. For instance, there are cap wigs and capless wigs, based on the way they are made. Nowadays capless wigs are more popular, as they do not cover the head totally. This allows the pores of the scalp to breathe and prevents perspiration. One has to ensure that the wig fits very well and is comfortable.
Hair extensions come in many forms – some are clipped on and temporary, while some may be permanent. Hair extensions are popular nowadays, because they can add length and thickness to the hair. They also help to add glamour and style.
Hair transplant is a surgical procedure, in which a portion of the scalp which contains hair is taken, along with the hair follicles and grafted in the bald areas. The hair then begins to grow in the bald areas. Nowadays the procedure has become very advanced and is said to be a better option than hair weaving. It may be done in one session, or may take several sessions. The cost is according to the number of grafts. In India, it may be from Rs. 60,000 to Rs.1,35,000.