HDFC Bank Parivartan Transforms 2.9 million lives in Punjab



25 February 2021


HDFC Bank today released Parivartan Impact Report for the state of Punjab. The Parivartan Report showcases the initiatives undertaken by the bank as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility in the state. 

HDFC Bank Parivartan, the umbrella brand for all social responsibility initiatives undertaken by the bank, has transformed the lives of 2.9 million individuals across Punjab. 

At a function organised in the city, the Parivartan Impact Report for Punjab was released by Mr Vineet Arora, Branch Banking Head, HDFC Bank and CSR State Head Ms Arpana Kumari, HDFC Bank in the presence of other senior bank officials.

#Parivartan seeks to better village life by focussing on improvements in five key areas of –  

Key Highlights 
Focus Areas Interventions Lives Touched in Punjab 
 Education Improving quality of primary education Introduction to the digital education   820+* Schools Reached   43,950+* Students Impacted 

 *Inclusive Of Immediate & Extended Beneficiaries 

Skills Training and Livelihood Enhancement 
  Livestock health improvement efforts   Skilling and beginning of the livelihood interventions   Farmers’ field school   Promotion of horticulture   Setting up of women SHGs   1.32+ Lakh Women Entrepreneurs Created   600+ Youth Trained 
 Rural Development   Soil conservation and water harvesting   Irrigation water management   Organic farming   Vermin composting   Construction of water storage structures   Agricultural interventions   Use of solar energy   Waste water management   110+ Solar Lights Installed    3,930+ Farmers Trained    4,440+ Trees Planted   240+ Biomass Stoves Provided    2,180+ Kitchen Gardens Promoted 

Healthcare and Hygiene 
  Improving community health   Hygiene and sanitation   1,100+ Sanitation Units Installed   6,800+ Individuals Treated 
 Financial Literacy and Inclusion   Financial Planning   Importance of Savings   Advantages of Saving with Banks   Benefits of Borrowing from Organized Sources of Finance   1,100+ Sanitation Units Installed   6,800+ Individuals Treated 

Click here to view Parivartan Report on Punjab. 

As part of HDFC Bank Parivartan, a thorough assessment of the village is carried out to understand its developmental needs. To address these needs in a sustainable and effective manner, the Bank creates long-term solutions in partnership with an NGO and the local community including small farmers, youth, landless labourers, children, and women. 

Nationally, in FY 2019-20, the bank spent Rs 535 crore towards HDFC Bank Parivartan and has so far covered more than 81 million individuals across the country. 

“We are delighted to release the Parivartan state report for Punjab,” said Ms. Nusrat Pathan, Head – Corporate Social Responsibility, HDFC Bank. “Sustainable Development happens when there is a commitment to creating change over a long time frame. We firmly believe that the Bank has to stand shoulder to shoulder with all stakeholders in the society to make a difference. We cannot make a difference alone, but together we can definitely bring Parivartan.” 

“In Punjab, we are committed to not only providing the full suite of products and services for our customers, but also work towards making meaningful change in the lives of individuals and households in the state,” said Mr Vineet Arora, Branch Banking Head, HDFC Bank. “The report showcases the work done by the Bank in the state across the various pillars under Parivartan.”